Monday, November 18, 2013

A Journey through pictures

People say a picture is worth a thousand words, and since I cant cant even find the words to say about my experience in Nepal why not let the pictures just speak for me. So enjoy

We had many layovers on our way to Nepal, I think our total travel time was 50 hours, so needless to say we had a lot of down time.

And were finally off. we traveled through Japan, Thailand and India, but we finally arrived and we were ready to let the adventures begin!

We jumped right into ministry, starting with a blind orphanage. These kids had close to nothing at all but still welcomed us.

 We went on prayer walks, declaring the love of Jesus over the people of Nepal

A group of 7 of us who at the start of the trip were not that close, at the end of the trip we became a family.

The great trek! we hiked up over the mountains and through the rivers ( well not exactly but it sure felt like it!)  and we finally reached a small isolated village filled with hurting people who just wanted love and answers. 

Faces of the village 

The girls home in the city 

I loved these girls 

Sights of Nepal 

These pictures really don't give the real sight justice, But I was in awe of the beauty that surrounded me every day!

Sunday, July 28, 2013



Hello to all my family and friends, I just want to send you all an update of what is going on in Nepal. First off  JAIMASIHIAH! pronounced (Jam-a-see) it is the christian greeting here that means praise the Lord! We have been here for about three weeks but have already done a lot of ministry, jumping right into it as soon as we got here. The first week was mostly orientation, buying our khurtas (the traditional dress for the women of Nepal) and getting to know the area. Our first week we visited a blind orphanage, the kids were young and very precious! they learned how to play instruments and put on a little concert for our team, it was so encouraging to see that even though these kids have close to nothing they still had there joy. 

The second week we went to two different villages. The first one we went to with our contacts to a village called Bizarre, we stayed with paster and his family who welcomed us and was very kind with there hospitality. In the church we ran a short seminar with counseling principles but with the message of hope and identity. Our contacts said the people responded well but it was hard for us to see because as a people they don't express emotion. They were really open to receive prayer which was really encouraging. we also did a lot of prayer walking to different points of the village asking God to show the people his love. one evening we ''helped'' plant a rice field ( I think we were more viliage entertainment rather then help, and it didn't take long before it turned into a mud fight with the Nepalis for fun) The next day we prayed for a family who was being tormented by demons, after sharing the gospel the man wanted to accept Christ! after lots of prayer we saw a breakthrough with the wife who has been struggling with headaches that cause her to pass out. After praying for he man we went home and that night he came to our house with his second wife, he wanted her to know Jesus as well and she wanted answers to why her husband was acting very different and what we did. we shared the gospel with her and she also accepted Christ, after a while the whole family came to Christ!! it was soo cool!! 

The remaining days we went to another village called ''GP''. After our a 3 hour bus ride, we hiked for 4.5 hours mostly in the pouring rain. Let me tell you this was the most challenging thing I have ever done! I really wanted to give up and stop, I really didn't think I had the physical strength to do it but man do we serve a powerful God. He really showed my my strength that I have both physically and emotionaly, while it was raining you could see a rainbow in the distance, God put it there for me to see and promise that he was doing this with me, I could do it and not to give up! and I did it I was very proud of myself!. Our time in the village was a cultural experience for our team, with everything from goats and chickens on the bus to wolf spiders the size of your hand, sleeping on a dirt floor to squatty potties. The first day there we did a program for the kids about hygiene, washing there hands and brushing there teeth. These kids were so much fun to be around, they loved just hanging out with us, playing games, taking pictures and singing songs. most of the kids only had one pair of clothes and most of them didn't even have shoes, I really felt the father heart of God for these kids, they don't get love from there family. the boys have to grow up fast to start working in the fields and the girls barley reach the age of 12 before they are sold to the sex trafficking industry, all this just to get the family money which most of the fathers gamble and drink it away. It is really heartbreaking because the whole time in the village we did not see one girl older then 12 or younger then 25 because they were all sold. We also did a teaching for the women, we taught about their value, identity, forgiveness and loving/respecting each other. It was a slight risk to teach on these topics because the village is very strict against christianity. It was the first time these people has ever heard these teachings, they were really responsive and impacted by the teachings. our contact said they were the most responsive and friendly he has ever seen them, they danced for the very first time which was a big deal ( we had a dance party after the teaching ). They were also amazed at how much we helped our host with dishes and cooking, they saw a difference in our team compared to any other foreigners that has come through there little village. Our time there was so thick with a sense of ripeness as if the village is a fruit that has slowly growing and ripening over the years and now it is just starting to show some its of color it is really such an exciting thing to be apart of. 

these past two weeks we have been working at a girls after care home. Girls who have been rescued from human trafficking. It is amazing being able to build relationships with them, they are so young and have already been through so much( the youngest is only 9 years old! )it is truly heartbreaking. Each morning we are able to lead a bible study with them, some of the girls have been starting to open up which is very encouraging because one of the women who works there told us that these girls are broken but wont open up to tell there story or start to heal. This past friday I was able to teach on the father heart of God and share some of my story with the girls, at the end I had them write a letter to there father in heaven. After a few minuets I asked if any of the girls wanted to share, one girl who is very quiet waned to share her letter. Needles to say it was a heartbreaking letter from a 16 year old girl who has lost everything, been abused, sold and exploited by men, who just wanted to have love from her father but instead was shamed away. But through it she is experiencing the real fathers love and his healing redemption. With tears in her eyes she read her letter and with tears in my teams eyes we were able to encourage her and explain to her that the our father does not shame us but instead loves on us. Working at the home has been so eye opening to me. They all have different stories and is all different ages, but they all come broken and in need of the fathers love. 

Being here in Nepal and hearing the stories of the women is truly heartbreaking. These woman need to know that there is hope out there for them. 
PRAYER POINTS:: Please pray for the two villages but especially ''GP'' that God's love will shine down and there hearts will be ready to hear the gospel.
Please pray for the girls at the Home for healing to start to begin, that they would start to open up and share there stories because there is such power in being able to share your story and take back your strength. 
Please pray for me as I am staring to experience anger towards the men of Nepal, pray that I will be able to see them through God's eyes and love them like he does
Please pray for the rest of our time here that our team will be used in a great way. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Nepal what?!?!

Hello all my wonderful friends and family! I am so sorry that I have not been keeping you all updated, I have been so busy with classes and homework  but I know that is no excuse! so I would like to give you all a little update. school has come to an end, it has been a long journey filled with friendships, laughter and Jesus! I have been learning so much and it has been really good. the past 12 weeks I have been here I can honestly say that I am so happy I came. This has been a long journey, very much different from DTS or anything that I have done. Each week we had a different topic and a different speaker. some different topics we touched on were, Inner Healing prayer, Sexual abuse, Trauma, Grief, Children at risk and others. Each speaker had an impact on me one way or another, whether it was what they said or how they made time for us outside of class to talk with us or pray with us. 

 During this school I really saw myself grow in the area of letting God into my emotions. Not just shutting them out and ignoring them, but actually letting myself be able to feel and to experience anger, from things of my past and even things that I learned during class that really makes me upset, or that breaks my heart for the injustice that goes on in the world today. Each day when things came up whether it was something the speaker was talking about or things that God brought up, I challenged myself to not just ignore it and push the feelings down but to deal with them in a safe and healthy way. I also challenged myself to bring it to God, and to ask Him where the feelings are coming from, and how to deal with them.

 I have learned a lot being in this school and my eyes are open to the things that go on in this world. It really breaks my heart and I want to see the hurting people get set free and for them to know the truth and for them to know that there is hope.Coming into this school I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like after I was done and how I wanted to use what I have learned, to be able to help young girls who have been abused or rejected. To help them get back on their feet, to provide a safe place for them to go and to gain healing through the arts. I had a vision of young people who were hurting and I knew that they needed help, I knew what they were going through and I understood there pain. I knew that expressing my pain was really easy for me to do through dance; there are a lot of people who can express themselves better that way. I also received a lot of confirmation through people saying that I was going to help young hurting girls through my movement. I know that God is going to use me and the new tools that I have learned along with my gifts.

I will be able to use everything I learned during lecture phase on outreach! I am going to Nepal in actually less the 10 hours I will be bording a plane! I am excited and nervous, there is 6 of us going including the leaders. we will be going to Kathmandu working with at risk children ( due to safety and regulations I am not allowed to give details of the trip) But what we are really going for is just to love on the hurting people and Gods children. I know that God is going to use me and my team and I am so excited to go on this next adventure with him. I will update you all in 2 months! for know goodbye and God bless

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What is FCM?

During my time in DTS God was really putting on my heart counseling, my whole life I have always wanted to help people in some way or in other. I have always had a great deal of respect for counselors but the thought of sitting in a four walled room sitting on a chair listing to people problems did not seem appealing to me. During my DTS I was in many situations and had many people come up to me to confirm that I needed to be in some sort of counseling training. During my DTS God really gave me ideas, dreams, and visions of what I would be able to do with training in counseling. I knew I had to go with it, so through research and help from my staff I found out about FCM, It stands for Foundations for Christian Counseling. It is a five month course with the first three months lecture and the last two months are outreach. Really cool story is that I actually applied to the FCM in two places Kona Hawaii and Colorado Springs, Now I really wanted to go to Kona because HELLO its Hawaii!! and because a few of my friends from my DTS were also going to be doing secondary schools in Kona. So I had my heart set on Kona but something inside me knew that it was not the right place and I was to be going to Colorado springs, well when God wants you to know something he will tell you and he will get through to you. I had so many people come up to me confirming that I was to go to Colorado, I never really listened but I finally put my pride aside and asked God why he wanted me to go to Colorado, His response "you will soon see" So I listened and decided to go to the FCM in CO. See, when we listen to God and go were he wants us  to it is sooooo worth it and His ways are far better than our ways. So I had my bags packed and ready to go to CO, My mother, me and the open rode we started our  drive to the beautiful state. Well even before I got there God had blessed me with being able to see two of my DTS friends, one of the states we drove through was Ohio and my really good friend Jessica lives there and another really good friend Becca lives not to far from Jess, So we all met up at Jessica's house and it was exactly what I needed! the whole visit was filled with laughter, memories, inside jokes and encouragement. It was such blessing and I was so sad the visit was so short. But we had to continue the journey. with some beautiful stops along the way  we finally made it to  Colorado. I am so excited to see all that God has for me during this school  I know that there is going to be a lot of inner healing and a greater realization of who God is. Each week is a different topic and we are going to be learning different counseling skills based on a biblical standpoint, the outreach is still in the planning stages but I will keep you all updated, I still am in need for money for outreach, I know tat God wants me to be going overseas with this group of people to help the broken and hurting. If you feel on your heart to bless me or support me financially you can write a check out to Clinton Worship Center the memo Monica Villagomez missions you can send it to
Clinton Worship Center
445 Berlin ST
 Clinton MA, 01510
Most important thing is prayer, please keep me in your prayers for safety, for my school and that I will get as much out of this school as God has for me. I will keep you all updated on the weeks to come.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Still behind on my blog I apologize! So the last week I was with Coastlands Consultants we traveled up to Bangor Maine to Penobscot Christian school, were there are only 2 students in the eighth grade and everyone was like family. We all stayed at host family's from the school that week. Myself ,my friend Cassie and Pam we all stayed at a wonderful Pastors house. He welcomed us in there house along with his Wife and his four children who all attended the school. They were so welcoming, the kids even gave up there rooms for us to stay in! needless to say we felt very blessed. Throughout  the week I  helped out with the elementary chapel again. This week we taught on Jesus, a throne was set up in the front of the Chapel. The J stood for Jesus, simple gospel to the point, the E stood for Everyone everywhere, that Jesus is Lord over everyone, He listens to to all of his children no matter who they are, what they look like, what has happened to them, He is always there. the S stood for Savior, they learned that he is our Savior and he was the one who saved us. the U stood for unchanging  even though we change, the people around us changes, he never will, He will continue to love us even through our pain and sorrow. The final S stood for servant they learned how Jesus himself was a servant among his friends. He put others before himself, even when He washed the Disciples feet he was showing his love for them. They learned that they should lay themselves down before others and be a servant to many. Everyone says that they want to help people and be a servant like Jesus was but reality is that its hard to lay our self and our pride before others. to lay ourselves down and help others before ourselves. one of my speakers in DTS told us "Everyone wants to be a servant until they are treated like one" the truth is that we can only be a servant when we lay down our rights. Like I said before there were only 2 eight grade students so we were able to journal with the seventh grade as well. I to was able to journal with one of the seventh grade girls, her dream was to become a missionary and to one day build an orphanage, I was able to tell her some of my dreams that I have and the adventures that I have been on. she was really blessed to hear my experiences but the truth is that I was so blessed to hear that a young girl had a heart for missions and she already new that she did not want to live a "normal life" at such a young age! the week was filled with really awesome conversations and lots of gym classes!. Although the week went really well there were still a few downfalls, we had 2 snow days that we had to miss school and one little boy was hurt in one of my lessons....... OK let me explain Friday was going very well. Before chapel we start with a game called whats wrong with this picture, this is were we pick out students to act out a scenario  that is wrong or mean and the students correct it and they do it over the right way. So I picked out 3 volunteers I told the little boy to go and run and pretend to slip and fall and the other kids would laugh and not help him up, the kids would then point out what is wrong with the picture. Well long story short he really committed to the fall and ended up hurting himself, with a bloody nose and a lump on his head he headed off to the office. He ended up  being ok and the rest of the day went. well beside the fact that every time we asked one of the kids what they learned this week they answered "TO NOT TRIP AND FALL" "oh and about Jesus" haha you got to love little kids! well all was forgiven and forgotten and the kids still loved us and were very happy that we came to there school. I as very blessed and I was happy that my last week with the team was a memorable one.

 I can honestly say that I learned a lot while being on the team, they really blessed me by just living in community with them. The light that that they bring to each school, They really do make a difference in the lives of kids. I f you asked me "how did this team have an affect on you even though you were with them for such a short time"? I would answer, there life screams Jesus! The way they live there everyday life, servants of each other, encouraging , and just being a family. But the one thing that left a big impact on me is there willingness to be used by God, even when they are not on a scheduled ministry week they are still used by God, They are still changing lives. and they are doing all this while still being transformed by God. Everyone has a story, a past that they are either ashamed of, afraid of, or hurt by. So they want to be healed form the past, they want to be fixed by God, then they go and help others around them. These five people that I lived with, served with, and worked with They are still trying to find the answers  they are still healing from the past but they still give, they still mentored. Instead of watching these kids walk though a journey to redemption  THEY WALK RIGHT NEXT TO THEM! going though a  journey of there own, sharing there struggles, fears, and desires with the kids. they are real and that's what effects the kids, and that's what affected me. I was really blessed to be able to hear there stories on the way back from Bangor and all I have to say in response is God is sooo good ! from were they came from, the pain, the hurt that they all had to go through in the Past. They decided to use it to bring change to people. and they are still walking though the journey  I know that God is going to use this group for something big! So all I have to say is Thanks guys! Thank you for letting me into your family, for being so real with me, and for welcoming me. These guys are the dreamers, the Daughters of the King, The redeemed, the Son of the most high, and the Mother of many! I can't wait to see what these world changers are going to be doing next time I see them. :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

God is bigger than...

 I apologize I have not been a good blogger, well the second week of ministry with Coastlands, we were at Concord Christian Academy, I really loved it, I was able to start and finish the whole week! we taught Elementary and Middle school so we had pre-k to eighth. we started the day all together with songs and an object lesson, than Elementary and Middle school was split up for the message. I stayed with the Elementary chapel. The theme for there week was God is bigger than... each day the kids would learn about how God is bigger than the different problems they face in there life and the things that they go through. Little did I know that even though I would be helping with the week I learned so much! Monday was God is bigger than our "Set backs" we taught them how things in life can hold you back, they can put you back a few steps, make you wait for awhile or just flat out stop you. God is bigger than all of that! one of my team members shared his story, it was a eye opening story about how he had to really trust in God, he was faced with a set back that could have totally stopped him from being in the ministry. He had to come to the Realization that God was in control. He did end up overcoming his set back an was able to join the ministry again thankfully because he is a big impact on the team as well as the students he comes in contact with. Each day we leaned that God is bigger than so many things, such as fear, obstacles, barriers and even doubt. God is bigger than all these things that can get in our way. Now I learned all of this growing up but it never made this much sense to me than it did when we were explaining it to 4 to 10 year old's. I realized that God is bigger than any thing that stands in the way of my dreams and the plans he has for my life, all I have to do is trust him that he will provide everything that I need. we were also journaling with the eighth graders again, they write us questions about anything they want and we write back to them. I was able to journal with two girls, they were both so sweet and filled with questions about the bible and God himself. One girl I was writing to was questioning how she knew that God loved her I could fell the hurt and confusion as I was reading her journal, all I could respond to her was the scriptures to reassure her that the greatest thing that God did to prove his love for us was the greatest sacrifice. the other young girl I was writing too was filled with fear and confusion as she was afraid that she would lose sight of Gods love for her as she was going to public school the following year, I was able to let her know that Gods love will never fail her and he will always be there walking by her side. I was really blessed by the kids and they were affected by us. While we were doing question and answer one of the sixth grade girls started to thank us for coming and opening her eyes to see Gods love and that God had sent us there to help them. Needles to say the week went really well and God did a lot to the hearts of the students as well as my team.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Life after DTS is very different from what I expected, both good and bad. I new that coming home back to the real world would be challenging and that more distractions would be all around me. I was faced with  many distractions and things from the past that tried to creep up to haunt me, but I realized  that I had to lean into God even more. I remember our speaker from our last week of lecture phase right before outreach he said to us "you have to lean into God so hard that if he moves you fall". It really shows me how I need to trust in God and spend time with him even though I am not surrounded by 55 other students who are going after the same thing as me, even though there is not a set time to be with Jesus I can still do it!

     God has been so faithful to me he has shown me his character every day and he has provided people in my  life to keep building me up and encourage me. Since being home I have had another awesome ministry time. I have been able to work with a ministry called Coastlands Consultants. It is a relational based ministry that goes into Christian schools and leads the week with worship, games, lessons, and stories from the Bible. it is an awesome ministry that focuses on the kids at the school, they mentor them, listen to them and pray with them. they work with pre-k all the way up to 12th grade. Each week has a theme this weeks word was DREAM each day went with a letter Monday was D which stood for dare to dream, Tuesday was R which stood for repair. I cam in on Tuesday night, the team welcomed me with dinner and an initiation ( I had to blow out a candle stick with nothing but my nose!) needless to say I felt welcomed. The next day was my first day with the team I was so blessed to be welcomed by the kids, we worked with the 6th to 8th grade. Our morning started with introduction, bible reading and an object lesson the kids were so involved and filled with enthusiasm and excitement. We than moved into worship, it was so encouraging watching the kids lift there hands in worship and sing out praises to God. After someone taught a lesson the next letter was E which stood for Equip the kids learned about how God gives us all gifts and he equips us with power some gifts are different from others but they are all as important. they learned that we have the power of prayer and they all prayed for there teachers, the kids were so eager to pray and bless there teachers. The 6th and 7th graders were brought back to class while the 8th graders stayed, we than began to journal that is were the kids are able to write to us there feeling thoughts and questions, whatever they are going through it is only between the student and the team we are able to write a response back with encouragement advice and scriptures. I had a 14 year old 8th grade girl she wrote about the struggles she faces every day in her own school even though she is surrounded by Christians, people can still say things and do things that hurt. Her words were filled with pain of mean words that were said over her and her insecurities of people judging her. I  was able to write back to her about Gods love and the truth that He says over her. The day followed by going into class rooms and doing what is called coffee can questions, this is where the students write an anonymous question about anything and put it in the can, we pick one put and answer it. These students were so curious and had some amazing questions, one question that I got was "If God is the same yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow than should we obey the same laws in the old testament"? that is a pretty good question coming from a 6th grader! Thursday was much of the same thing the lesson was about Gods grace. The letter was....... what a surprise A that stood for Amazing grace  we talked about how God gives us second chances, he forgives us and helps us heal from the past, during the week a big cross was put up in the front of the chapel the students would nail to the cross sins and lies that they heard in there life, nailing it to the cross meant giving it up and letting God take it, it meant that they would believe the truth about them instead of the lie. It was a powerful thing to watch and to take part of. The rest of the day was similar to the one before. On Friday we had a snow day! but even though we didn't go to school our ministry was still going, some of the kids from the neighborhood came over. We started  playing spoons which led to a big snow ball fight( I was taken down numerous times) then we came in for cookie making and board games, we made pizza for dinner and eat a lot of food. We just hung out with the kids and listened to them tell us there stories. Some of the kids even went to church on Sunday!  it is really cool to see that even though you are not on scheduled time of ministry you can always be led by God and let him use you because you never know when there is a kid who need a friend or someone to hang out with. It was an awesome week and I am so excited to see what next week holds, we will be at Concord Christian Academy. Please pray that God will use my team in a great way! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

DTS Recap

For the past five months I have been participating in a school Discipleship Training School, for the first three months I was in the beautiful state of Montana where it was there during the lecture phase that I had a realization of who God really was.
     Lecture phase was fantastic; Jesus worked so much in my life, and the lives of my fellow DTS’ers. It was an awesome time to live in constant “ Community”. Our days began with worship, what a blessing it was to get to spend every morning worshiping Jesus corporately. We then went into bible overview or intercession. Then we had lectures, we had topics from the Missions and pioneering all the way to Father Heart of God. Each week God showed me who he was and how much he loved me. I could feel the wounds and hurt from my past begin to heal. I was able to discoverer my true Identity in Christ and come to the realization that he calls me his daughter!
     This whole time in Montana was just an awesome process of Jesus showing me how faithful and good He is. He is always so good to give us more as we continue to run after Him. He always has more to teach us more to show us, and deeper places to bring us to. What an honor is has been to allow him to take me deeper and deeper. I came into this school, with so much hurt and even doubt but Jesus came in and took my heart and began to put it back together showing me that it is ok to trust again. The base did a commissioning for all the DTS students before we went out on Outreach. and we all made signs, one side was a before statement, the other side a after statement, basically just stating what Jesus has done is us through DTS, mine read, Filled with Brokenness lost in shame................ Filled with Purity Found in freedom

    I can honestly say that I learned so much form my fellow DTSers we all went through a journey together and came out as new creations in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefor if anyone is in Christ He is a new creation, the old is gone the new has come".

    That's not all! The next two months we went on outreach there were five different locations, Cambodia, South Africa, Taiwan and the Philippians, Thailand, and Iceland. I of course went to Iceland. However that was not my first choice I was determined to go to South Africa, But God had other plans and met me there. Iceland was not at all what I was expecting. I found myself challenged, stretched, and at most times at loss for words but at the same time I have never felt so close to God. I realized that I had to lean into him to trust in him that he knew what he was doing and that he was going to use me while I was there. During our time in Iceland we had many opportunities to serve such as helping out with the local churches, helping with the Salvation Army, youth groups, downtown night ministry, and even children's hospitals. God used us through building relationships with the people of Iceland. They learned that they could trust us as well as God. They learned that God would never leave them or hurt them. It was really awesome being able to watch some of the transformations unfold before our eyes. At times the team struggled; we lost sight of why we were there and doubted that we were even making a difference. Many times we would come home discouraged or frustrated because we weren't seeing any fruit or people didn't want to listen to us. we realized that It was not about us, that God could save the whole country of Iceland and not even need our help, but he wants us to be apart of a big picture we cannot do it on our own we need Jesus. We learned that it’s just living life with him and through the way you live and love Jesus people can see. That. Overall I loved outreach, my team became so close and we were able to make awesome friendships that will last.

Here is my outreach video I have posted the web page all you have to do is go to the Iceland video and press play

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So I am starting this blog to keep my supporters, friends and family updated on my adventures and journeys that I embark on. I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to travel all around the world  and meet new people, experience different cultures and simply do what I love. Since I was a little girl I have been on awesome adventures and have been able to go on many mission trips. I have lots of memories from an early age of traveling. From the first time I went on a plane alone, I was a very scared 11 year old little girl not wanting to let go of my mothers hand but I mustered up all the courage I could and walked onto the plane. as a reward for my braveness I was moved up to first class, now imagine the excitement I had! it made the trip so much better. I was on my way to Gallup New Mexico to help on an Indian reservation. I loved every second of it being with the kids and helping to rebuild the homes that were destroyed.

The other memory of traveling I have is flying once again alone but this time out of the US and the the beautiful Island of Jamaica! there we went into the slums, played with the children, went into orphanages, and just tried to put smiles on there faces. I can remember now that at that moment when I was holding a little girl who had not showered in what seemed like days, had a smile on her face because she knew that I cared for her but most important that Someone else out there, someone bigger than anything else loved her. I remember knowing that this is what I want to do is to go to places that people don't want to go or don't think of going to, I want to be that person and share the love and the happiness that I know with everyone! so from than I kept going to new places, I have memories of Buffalo New York and reaching out to the kids on the street, my heart broke for the young kids that were on the street following into there family footsteps which would land them in prison at the age of 16. I knew I had to do something but I was just a 16 year old girl myself what could I do? From then It was local trips around my neighborhood. little did I know that broken people were all around me, the people I went to school with. People that I lived in the same town with for years, they were dead inside and needed to know that they were loved, forgiven, and redeemed.

Coming upon graduation I had plans for my life, Collage, Job , family and than  happily ever after. Little did I know that someone up there had way different plans for me. so I decided to join YWAM, Youth With A Mission with my fist stop being in Montana for a month than following Taiwan for another month. Here I was able to really use my gift of dance I was able to grow as a dancer and a Christian. Still I was holding on the the idea of living a "normal" life but I knew that there were bigger plans out there for me so I embarked on yet another journey and did a DTS, Discipleship training school where it was there that I found my Identity,found freedom, was forgiven and forgave. Than was able to bring what I learned to Iceland where I saw people who where hurt by the church, forgotten by the world and lost in sin. myself along with 18 other people were able to bring freedom into there lives and watch as relationships started to bloom. Throughout  all my life, all the place I go to all the people I meet I always learn new things whether its about myself or about God I have learned life long lessons.

 But I  never ever would of been able to go on any of these adventures if it wasn't for your support, both financial or just being a friend. So thank  for everything and thank you for letting me live this amazing adventure and helping me go to these places. So I hope that through the stories that I share you can come along on the adventure with me!