Sunday, July 28, 2013



Hello to all my family and friends, I just want to send you all an update of what is going on in Nepal. First off  JAIMASIHIAH! pronounced (Jam-a-see) it is the christian greeting here that means praise the Lord! We have been here for about three weeks but have already done a lot of ministry, jumping right into it as soon as we got here. The first week was mostly orientation, buying our khurtas (the traditional dress for the women of Nepal) and getting to know the area. Our first week we visited a blind orphanage, the kids were young and very precious! they learned how to play instruments and put on a little concert for our team, it was so encouraging to see that even though these kids have close to nothing they still had there joy. 

The second week we went to two different villages. The first one we went to with our contacts to a village called Bizarre, we stayed with paster and his family who welcomed us and was very kind with there hospitality. In the church we ran a short seminar with counseling principles but with the message of hope and identity. Our contacts said the people responded well but it was hard for us to see because as a people they don't express emotion. They were really open to receive prayer which was really encouraging. we also did a lot of prayer walking to different points of the village asking God to show the people his love. one evening we ''helped'' plant a rice field ( I think we were more viliage entertainment rather then help, and it didn't take long before it turned into a mud fight with the Nepalis for fun) The next day we prayed for a family who was being tormented by demons, after sharing the gospel the man wanted to accept Christ! after lots of prayer we saw a breakthrough with the wife who has been struggling with headaches that cause her to pass out. After praying for he man we went home and that night he came to our house with his second wife, he wanted her to know Jesus as well and she wanted answers to why her husband was acting very different and what we did. we shared the gospel with her and she also accepted Christ, after a while the whole family came to Christ!! it was soo cool!! 

The remaining days we went to another village called ''GP''. After our a 3 hour bus ride, we hiked for 4.5 hours mostly in the pouring rain. Let me tell you this was the most challenging thing I have ever done! I really wanted to give up and stop, I really didn't think I had the physical strength to do it but man do we serve a powerful God. He really showed my my strength that I have both physically and emotionaly, while it was raining you could see a rainbow in the distance, God put it there for me to see and promise that he was doing this with me, I could do it and not to give up! and I did it I was very proud of myself!. Our time in the village was a cultural experience for our team, with everything from goats and chickens on the bus to wolf spiders the size of your hand, sleeping on a dirt floor to squatty potties. The first day there we did a program for the kids about hygiene, washing there hands and brushing there teeth. These kids were so much fun to be around, they loved just hanging out with us, playing games, taking pictures and singing songs. most of the kids only had one pair of clothes and most of them didn't even have shoes, I really felt the father heart of God for these kids, they don't get love from there family. the boys have to grow up fast to start working in the fields and the girls barley reach the age of 12 before they are sold to the sex trafficking industry, all this just to get the family money which most of the fathers gamble and drink it away. It is really heartbreaking because the whole time in the village we did not see one girl older then 12 or younger then 25 because they were all sold. We also did a teaching for the women, we taught about their value, identity, forgiveness and loving/respecting each other. It was a slight risk to teach on these topics because the village is very strict against christianity. It was the first time these people has ever heard these teachings, they were really responsive and impacted by the teachings. our contact said they were the most responsive and friendly he has ever seen them, they danced for the very first time which was a big deal ( we had a dance party after the teaching ). They were also amazed at how much we helped our host with dishes and cooking, they saw a difference in our team compared to any other foreigners that has come through there little village. Our time there was so thick with a sense of ripeness as if the village is a fruit that has slowly growing and ripening over the years and now it is just starting to show some its of color it is really such an exciting thing to be apart of. 

these past two weeks we have been working at a girls after care home. Girls who have been rescued from human trafficking. It is amazing being able to build relationships with them, they are so young and have already been through so much( the youngest is only 9 years old! )it is truly heartbreaking. Each morning we are able to lead a bible study with them, some of the girls have been starting to open up which is very encouraging because one of the women who works there told us that these girls are broken but wont open up to tell there story or start to heal. This past friday I was able to teach on the father heart of God and share some of my story with the girls, at the end I had them write a letter to there father in heaven. After a few minuets I asked if any of the girls wanted to share, one girl who is very quiet waned to share her letter. Needles to say it was a heartbreaking letter from a 16 year old girl who has lost everything, been abused, sold and exploited by men, who just wanted to have love from her father but instead was shamed away. But through it she is experiencing the real fathers love and his healing redemption. With tears in her eyes she read her letter and with tears in my teams eyes we were able to encourage her and explain to her that the our father does not shame us but instead loves on us. Working at the home has been so eye opening to me. They all have different stories and is all different ages, but they all come broken and in need of the fathers love. 

Being here in Nepal and hearing the stories of the women is truly heartbreaking. These woman need to know that there is hope out there for them. 
PRAYER POINTS:: Please pray for the two villages but especially ''GP'' that God's love will shine down and there hearts will be ready to hear the gospel.
Please pray for the girls at the Home for healing to start to begin, that they would start to open up and share there stories because there is such power in being able to share your story and take back your strength. 
Please pray for me as I am staring to experience anger towards the men of Nepal, pray that I will be able to see them through God's eyes and love them like he does
Please pray for the rest of our time here that our team will be used in a great way. 

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