Monday, November 18, 2013

A Journey through pictures

People say a picture is worth a thousand words, and since I cant cant even find the words to say about my experience in Nepal why not let the pictures just speak for me. So enjoy

We had many layovers on our way to Nepal, I think our total travel time was 50 hours, so needless to say we had a lot of down time.

And were finally off. we traveled through Japan, Thailand and India, but we finally arrived and we were ready to let the adventures begin!

We jumped right into ministry, starting with a blind orphanage. These kids had close to nothing at all but still welcomed us.

 We went on prayer walks, declaring the love of Jesus over the people of Nepal

A group of 7 of us who at the start of the trip were not that close, at the end of the trip we became a family.

The great trek! we hiked up over the mountains and through the rivers ( well not exactly but it sure felt like it!)  and we finally reached a small isolated village filled with hurting people who just wanted love and answers. 

Faces of the village 

The girls home in the city 

I loved these girls 

Sights of Nepal 

These pictures really don't give the real sight justice, But I was in awe of the beauty that surrounded me every day!

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