Hello all my wonderful friends and family! I am so sorry that I have not been keeping you all updated, I have been so busy with classes and homework but I know that is no excuse! so I would like to give you all a little update. school has come to an end, it has been a long journey filled with friendships, laughter and Jesus! I have been learning so much and it has been really good. the past 12 weeks I have been here I can honestly say that I am so happy I came. This has been a long journey, very much different from DTS or anything that I have done. Each week we had a different topic and a different speaker. some different topics we touched on were, Inner Healing prayer, Sexual abuse, Trauma, Grief, Children at risk and others. Each speaker had an impact on me one way or another, whether it was what they said or how they made time for us outside of class to talk with us or pray with us.
During this school I really saw myself grow in the area of letting God into my emotions. Not just shutting them out and ignoring them, but actually letting myself be able to feel and to experience anger, from things of my past and even things that I learned during class that really makes me upset, or that breaks my heart for the injustice that goes on in the world today. Each day when things came up whether it was something the speaker was talking about or things that God brought up, I challenged myself to not just ignore it and push the feelings down but to deal with them in a safe and healthy way. I also challenged myself to bring it to God, and to ask Him where the feelings are coming from, and how to deal with them.
I have learned a lot being in this school and my eyes are open to the things that go on in this world. It really breaks my heart and I want to see the hurting people get set free and for them to know the truth and for them to know that there is hope.Coming into this school I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like after I was done and how I wanted to use what I have learned, to be able to help young girls who have been abused or rejected. To help them get back on their feet, to provide a safe place for them to go and to gain healing through the arts. I had a vision of young people who were hurting and I knew that they needed help, I knew what they were going through and I understood there pain. I knew that expressing my pain was really easy for me to do through dance; there are a lot of people who can express themselves better that way. I also received a lot of confirmation through people saying that I was going to help young hurting girls through my movement. I know that God is going to use me and the new tools that I have learned along with my gifts.
I will be able to use everything I learned during lecture phase on outreach! I am going to Nepal in actually less the 10 hours I will be bording a plane! I am excited and nervous, there is 6 of us going including the leaders. we will be going to Kathmandu working with at risk children ( due to safety and regulations I am not allowed to give details of the trip) But what we are really going for is just to love on the hurting people and Gods children. I know that God is going to use me and my team and I am so excited to go on this next adventure with him. I will update you all in 2 months! for know goodbye and God bless
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