Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So I am starting this blog to keep my supporters, friends and family updated on my adventures and journeys that I embark on. I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to travel all around the world  and meet new people, experience different cultures and simply do what I love. Since I was a little girl I have been on awesome adventures and have been able to go on many mission trips. I have lots of memories from an early age of traveling. From the first time I went on a plane alone, I was a very scared 11 year old little girl not wanting to let go of my mothers hand but I mustered up all the courage I could and walked onto the plane. as a reward for my braveness I was moved up to first class, now imagine the excitement I had! it made the trip so much better. I was on my way to Gallup New Mexico to help on an Indian reservation. I loved every second of it being with the kids and helping to rebuild the homes that were destroyed.

The other memory of traveling I have is flying once again alone but this time out of the US and the the beautiful Island of Jamaica! there we went into the slums, played with the children, went into orphanages, and just tried to put smiles on there faces. I can remember now that at that moment when I was holding a little girl who had not showered in what seemed like days, had a smile on her face because she knew that I cared for her but most important that Someone else out there, someone bigger than anything else loved her. I remember knowing that this is what I want to do is to go to places that people don't want to go or don't think of going to, I want to be that person and share the love and the happiness that I know with everyone! so from than I kept going to new places, I have memories of Buffalo New York and reaching out to the kids on the street, my heart broke for the young kids that were on the street following into there family footsteps which would land them in prison at the age of 16. I knew I had to do something but I was just a 16 year old girl myself what could I do? From then It was local trips around my neighborhood. little did I know that broken people were all around me, the people I went to school with. People that I lived in the same town with for years, they were dead inside and needed to know that they were loved, forgiven, and redeemed.

Coming upon graduation I had plans for my life, Collage, Job , family and than  happily ever after. Little did I know that someone up there had way different plans for me. so I decided to join YWAM, Youth With A Mission with my fist stop being in Montana for a month than following Taiwan for another month. Here I was able to really use my gift of dance I was able to grow as a dancer and a Christian. Still I was holding on the the idea of living a "normal" life but I knew that there were bigger plans out there for me so I embarked on yet another journey and did a DTS, Discipleship training school where it was there that I found my Identity,found freedom, was forgiven and forgave. Than was able to bring what I learned to Iceland where I saw people who where hurt by the church, forgotten by the world and lost in sin. myself along with 18 other people were able to bring freedom into there lives and watch as relationships started to bloom. Throughout  all my life, all the place I go to all the people I meet I always learn new things whether its about myself or about God I have learned life long lessons.

 But I  never ever would of been able to go on any of these adventures if it wasn't for your support, both financial or just being a friend. So thank  for everything and thank you for letting me live this amazing adventure and helping me go to these places. So I hope that through the stories that I share you can come along on the adventure with me!

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